Thursday, September 4, 2014

September 4

Tomorrow morning we are having a welcome back breakfast at 10:00.  Sure glad the weather is going to be nice.

Today we learned about the lively letters program that we will be doing at Cranston School.  We talked about the sounds p and b make.  We learned how to turn our voices on and off.

In math today we worked with the power of ten cards and learned about subitizing.  Subitizing is being able to quickly recognize an arrangements of dots, numbers, objects etc.  The kids got to practice using the power of ten cards with partners.  They even had time to make up a game of their own.  We also worked on creating patterns using our bodies.  

During Writer's Workshop we continued to work on drawing, labelling and writing.

Today we had dance for the first time.  This was so much fun.

At the end of the day we picked up our brand new visual journals.  We started working on the first page.  I taught the kids how to do a wash with paint and then they traced their hands and added the title "With these two hands I can...."  Tomorrow we will add all the wonderful things they can do.

Entertainment books went home today.  This will be our fundraising project for the next two weeks.  Thank you for your support.  Which ever class sells the most wins a pizza party.  Fingers are crossed!!!

Have a wonderful evening!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3

Another great day!!  Monday - Thursday we have gym at 8:35.  This is a rushed time for us but I am happy with how smoothly things are running.  Thursday's gym class will be dance.  We have music on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Just a reminder that we have early dismissal on Fridays (12:03).

Today we worked on a number of calendar activities.  We are learning about the days of the week, months of the year and how to read a calendar.  We are also talking about the weather and making a graph.  We made a prediction as to which type of weather will have the most days this month.  Fingers crossed that sunny wins.

We are also practicing counting to 100 by 1's 5's and 10's.  We are working on counting by 2's to 20 and sometimes beyond.  

Each day we have Writer's Workshop.  We are working on drawing a picture and labelling it with words and sounds.  I have shown the kids how to say words slowly and stretch them out like a rubber band when they are trying to spell.  Any extra practice at home would be greatly appreciated.

In Math we are working on creating and extending patterns.  Please as your child about the game we played on the smart where we tried to trick each other.

Overall an amazing day!  Have a wonderful evening.

September 3

Another great day!!  Monday - Thursday we have gym at 8:35.  This is a rushed time for us but I am happy with how smoothly things are running.  Thursday's gym class will be dance.  We have music on Mondays and Wednesdays.  Just a reminder that we have early dismissal on Fridays (12:03).

Today we worked on a number of calendar activities.  We are learning about the days of the week, months of the year and how to read a calendar.  We are also talking about the weather and making a graph.  We made a prediction as to which type of weather will have the most days this month.  Fingers crossed that sunny wins.

We are also practicing counting to 100 by 1's 5's and 10's.  We are working on counting by 2's to 20 and sometimes beyond.  

Each day we have Writer's Workshop.  We are working on drawing a picture and labelling it with words and sounds.  I have shown the kids how to say words slowly and stretch them out like a rubber band when they are trying to spell.  Any extra practice at home would be greatly appreciated.

In Math we are working on creating and extending patterns.  Please as your child about the game we played on the smart where we tried to trick each other.

Overall an amazing day!  Have a wonderful evening.